The Craft Life
Arts and Crafts = My Life That's how it's always been growing up and I've always loved making things. Creating basically anything is fun for me. I never thought that moving to the USA would open so many possibilities, and I have to say that I'm really glad that I got all these opportunities. I have to be very honest that there's so many things I didn't know actually existed - and even if they did, it was really expensive back home that I didn't really had the thought of getting into it. ![]() It didn't stop me from doing art though. My mom used to make paper basket and dolls, and I would help her. I used to make my own as well. I painted, did photography and anything else creative - color inspires me so much and, simple as it sounds - it makes me happy. Before I actually moved here, I got into clay crafts. Since we didn't have an oven, I bought air dry clay from Japan. This is where my shop Starr&Sparkle started. When I moved to the US, then I started selling the same crafting supplies. Small Beginnings
My own craft room, how exciting!! It all started as an office when I was working online at home. Obviously I started to have more stuff for crafting. One thing that I really love about being here is that I have the supplies I need. Thank you Joann, Hobby Lobby, and Michael's for making me extra broke and happy!
A couple of months later we moved to the lower unit apartment, which had a different room setup. This time I didn't have a craft room anymore!! So, I ended up taking up the supposed dining area and made it my craft corner.
During the same period, I discovered crafting machines. I also got a sewing machine gift, and eventually had access to woodworking tools and machines. Heaven omg! What else could I ever want right? (An X-Carve, that's exactly what I want & am getting next ^_^) This lead me to learning a lot more of other things to do which is super awesome. I mean, I will always choose a day at home crafting over partying. Omg, I think I am getting really old.
My Small Paradise
I'm a hoarder. That's not even a question or a mystery. I admit - I hoard almost everything.
With that being said, my supplies and everything else just keeps accumulating. My small paradise where I create is quickly expanding. Reasons to buy a house: need own bigger craft ROOM. Today's goal : Get something done!
So this is an actual footage of today's mess! It's now time to get something actually done - create things with love <3
I treasure my weekends. Very much. I really hope that it lasts a lot longer, don't you feel like we all have too much weekdays?!
Today's just a typical Sunday morning, nothing special. The day in itself that I can just relax (like yesterday) makes it special enough. I just wish I can curb my epic procrastination and actually do something worthwhile. Well, as lazy as I am, I cherish every waking day. I think I get to appreciate it more on weekends - because I don't have to hurry to get ready for work. I usually wake up early, as if I'm going to work, but everyone's still asleep. I know this is something I should appreciate very much. I've been warned, having kids will soon rid of this luxury. Not that I'll be having any cutie pies soon ^.^ The best part of my Sunday morning is waking up to this...
Okay, so maybe that wasn't so fair to capture a stolen sleeping shot! LOL!!
Actually, this is not the actual wake-up photo. We're usually cuddling and I guess it's too much sweetness to capture (in reality, I look like crap all the photos I took were horrible lmao!). But to wake up next to the ones you love is priceless.
Especially when you got a droolly pup right next to you... makes the morning even better!
And the procrastination begins...Now, I get up at around 8am - and have all the time in the world to do something worthwhile. Alexbear doesn't really get up until like 11am or noon. All the fun stuff to do, right!!!!??? Nope. I'm lazy AF and I waste the first few hours rolling in bed, taking photos, rolling some more and finally... playing some games on my phone (which I am very tempted to do right now, that I mentioned it. But I won't. Fight the urge. The ADD is taking over... must not). No I didn't play on my phone. I did check tho. For messages. (I ended up going to the kitchen instead, washed the dishes.. and oh right, blog... 4 hours later) Anyways... It's a good Sunday.
...and hopefully do something for real!
My craft corner is such a mess, just waiting to be actually used for longer periods of time ^_^ ![]()
Finally!! I now have a scroll saw!
I've had it for a couple of weeks now, but I really haven't used it for anything. For some reason, I just haven't been in the mood to actually create anything lately. But then, I'm still glad that I got it - it was a great steal to begin with. It was kinda hard to decide which scroll saw to choose. I have been planning to get one just for my hobbies and thought that the Dremel one will work best. I talked to Alexbear about it but he and his dad suggested that I get something more reliable, since I do tend to make a lot of stuff. After a lot of contemplation, we decided to just drive by Sears and check out what they got - afterall I've been thinking of getting their Craftsman Scroll Saw. From the reviews and blogs that I've read, the Craftsman Scroll Saw is a good start for entry level woodworkers. It's cheap, and not really complicated to use. The biggest setback is the vibration - but that's something that I'll find out when I actually start using it.
I got it set up in the basement. I don't know yet if I will bolt it down or not. I'm yet to figure it out and see if what they claim to be really bad vibration is really bad.
Plans for the future?
The X-Carve.
Ah yes, the lovely, lovely X-Carve. So it's like the Cricut of Wood working. It's basically a CNC machine for small scale wood projects. It can cut and engrave wood, acrylic and (again, from my research) some aluminum.
This baby right here is about three times the price of my Cricut Maker. I have options, but I opt to get the largest one because I don't really think the price for a 500mm justifies it - so I'll get the 1000mm and go from there.
It will take some time before I could actually go get it. It's a lot of money for me, and I have some other things to prioritize so unfortunately, as much as I want it now, it's really gonna have to wait. In the mean time, I'll be doing more projects starting next week. Craft fair is coming up, and gotta step up my game. I've been just too lazy, winter is getting to me! ![]() |
Just MeI've always loved blogging - until life got too busy. Now let me try to keep this going :) SubscribeEnter your email address:
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May 2020